Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

October 8, 2007 at 12:40 pm (babbling, Entertainment, Family, TV) (, , )

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday because I’ve always been able to celebrate two Thanksgivings:  Canadian and American.  Canadian Thanksgiving is more a harvest festival than about being discovered by the Europeans.  My mom being American would always invite other Americans over to celebrate US Thanksgiving, and on Canadian Thanksgiving my Dad’s side of the family would always get together, play some softball, eat too much and crash. One of my Chovancek cousin’s is a chef (Jonathon), and he cooked for us one year the best Thanksgiving meal EVER.  When my grandparents on my dad’s side past away Chovancek family Thanksgiving stopped.

This year Sam and I are cooking for some friends.  It’s the first Canadian Thanksgiving I will have had since moving here to Los Angeles 8 years ago.  Needless to say, I’m excited.  There are so many things to be thankful for:  good food, good friends, happy families, good work etc.  So today, have a great Canadian Thanksgiving and spend a few minutes reflecting on everything you have to be thankful for!!

Tonight’s Premieres –
BET J: Conversations at 8 pm
BBC America:  Top Gear at 8 pm
VH1:  I Love New York at 9 pm
Adult Swim:  The Boondocks at 1130 pm


  1. bgraef said,

    ok……. Happy Turkey day to you too!! Just wondering why we celebrate Thanksgiving day on different dates.

  2. booyeon said,

    It was my best Canadian Thanksgiving ever! 😉

  3. www.latesthollywoodgossip.info » Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! said,

    […] keyframegirl wrote a fantastic post today on “Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!”Here’s ONLY a quick extractThanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday because I’ve always been able to celebrate two Thanksgivings: Canadian and American. Canadian Thanksgiving is more a harvest festival than about being discovered by the Europeans. … […]

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